Jul 05, 2019

Extend Wi-Fi Network Using Old Router as Repeater Jun 11, 2015 Use an Old WiFi Router as Repeater, Wifi Extender, Access Jan 07, 2019 How to Extend Your Wifi Network With an Old Router Option 2: Use your router’s wireless repeater mode. and your old router will use the other radio for the backhaul connection to your existing router. Screenshot: How to use router as a WiFi Repeater/Expander - TPLink

A WiFi Repeater effectively contains two wireless routers, similar to the wireless router you already have in your home or office. One of these wireless routers picks up the existing WiFi network. It then transfers the signal to the other wireless router, which transmits the boosted signal.

For Network Mode, SSID, and Wireless Channel, set the same options as your primary router. If you want to use your old router to increase the range of your wireless network, choose "Repeater" for

In the wireless repeater settings, leave it set to access point mode. Fill in MAC address of the ‘old’ router and click Apply, Save, or as appropriate to save the new settings. Look for a setting relating to the router being set as the ‘DHCP Server’ and make sure it is enabled.

Extend Wi-Fi Network Using Old Router as Repeater Jun 11, 2015